Prosecution needs to establish the nexus between the recovered object and the subject crime Pulukuri Kotayya and Others vs. King-Emperor [1946 SCC OnLine PC 47] …..Normally the section is brought into operation when a person in police custody produces from some place of concealment some object, such as a dead body, a weapon, or ornaments, […]
Law in one Paragraph
This page contains notable observations of different Courts of India and abroad which is a settled law now.
Anter Singh vs State of Rajasthan [(2004) 10 SCC 657] Conditions necessary for the application of section 27 of the Evidence Act 16. The various requirements of the section can be summed up as follows: (1) The fact of which evidence is sought to be given must be relevant to the issue. It must be
Conditions necessary for the application of section 27 of the Evidence Act Read More »
S. Kaladevi vs. V.R. Somasundaram & Others [AIR 2010 SC 1654] Evidentiary value of unregistered document required by law to be registered 13. …… K.B. Saha and Sons Private Limited v. Development Consultant Limited, (2008) 8 SCC 564……This Court then culled out the following principles:- 21. From the principles laid down in the various decisions of
Evidentiary value of unregistered document required by law to be registered Read More »
Dhulabhai and Others vs The State of Madhya Pradesh [AIR 1969 SC 68] Principles governing the ouster of jurisdiction of the Civil Court (1) Where the statute gives a finality to the orders of the special tribunals the Civil Courts jurisdiction must be held to be excluded if there is adequate remedy to do what
Principles governing the ouster of jurisdiction of the Civil Court Read More »
Damodar S. Prabhu vs. Sayed Babalal H. [(2010) 5 SCC 663] Can a cheque dishonour case be compounded after conviction? 11. The compounding of the offence at later stages of litigation in cheque bouncing cases has also been held to be permissible in a recent decision of this Court, reported as K.M. Ibrahim v. K.P. Mohammed &
Can a cheque dishonour case be compounded after conviction? Read More »
Suraj Lamp and Industries Private Limited vs. State of Haryana & Anr. [(2009) 7 SCC 363] Registration of a document gives notice of execution to the world 18. Registration of a document gives notice to the world that such a document has been executed. Registration provides safety and security to transactions relating to immovable property,
Registration of a document gives notice of execution to the world Read More »
Lakhi Baruah v. Padma Kanta Kalita [(1996) 8 SCC 357] Production of a copy or a certified copy does not raise the presumption under Section 90 16. So far as applicability of presumption arising from Section 90 of the Evidence Act in respect of copy of the old document is concerned, the earliest decision of
Production of a copy or a certified copy does not raise the presumption under Section 90 Read More »
All Assam STATFED Karmachari Aikya Manch and Ors. Vs. State of Assam and Ors [(2014) 5 GLR 69] VRS is formulated for the benefit of the employees and the same is in the nature of welfare legislation 14. …. In my opinion the impugned decision of the answering respondents is the result of non-application of
Union of India & Anr. v. Narendra Singh [(2008) 2 SCC 750] If erroneous promotion is given by wrongly interpreting the rules, the employer cannot be prevented from applying the rules rightly 32. It is true that the mistake was of the Department and the respondent was promoted though he was not eligible and qualified.
The State of Orissa v. Madan Gopal Rungta [AIR 1952 SC 12] Grant of final relief as interim relief In The State of Orissa v. Madan Gopal Rungta [AIR 1952 SC 12], a Constitution Bench of the Hon’ble Apex Court clearly spelt out the contours within which interim relief can be granted, and held as
Grant of final relief as interim relief Read More »