Law in one Paragraph

This page contains notable observations of different Courts of India and abroad which is a settled law now.

Miscellaneous - Litigating Hand

General Officer Commanding vs CBI & Anr, (2012) 6 SCC 228 EveryĀ judicialĀ proceedingĀ is a legalĀ proceedingĀ but not vice-versa 12. The ā€˜prosecutionā€™ means a criminal action before the court of law for the purpose of determining ā€˜guiltā€™ or ā€˜innocenceā€™ of a person charged with a crime. Civil suit refers to a civil action instituted before a court of […]

EveryĀ judicialĀ proceedingĀ is a legalĀ proceedingĀ but not vice-versa Read More Ā»

Inti Narayana vs. Gurram Malakondaiah [MANU/AP/0219/1983] Principal differences between co-ownership and partnership 16. ā€¦ā€¦.1. Co-ownership is not necessarily the result of agreement, partnership is. 2. Co-ownership does not necessarily involve community of profit or of loss. Partnership does. 3. One co-owner can without the consent of others transfer his interest…. A partner is in ‘much

Principal differences between co-ownership and partnership

Evidence Law - Litigating Hand

Moduraboina Deepika vs. Kuna Sujatha Devi, Civil Revision Petition No. 388/ 2017 [Andhra Pradesh High Court] Evidentiary value of an unregistered and unstamped document 9. Section 17 (1) (b) of Registration Act mandates that a non-testamentary instrument which purport or operate to create, declare, assign, limit or extinguish whether in present or in future, any right, title or interest

Evidentiary value of an unregistered and unstamped document Read More Ā»

CPC - Litigating Hand

Dalpat Kumar and Anr. vs Prahlad Singh and Ors. [AIR 1993 SC 276] Tests for grant of temporary injunction 4. ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦Injunction is a judicial process by which a party is required to do or to refrain from doing any particular act. It is in the nature of preventive relief to a litigant to prevent future

Tests for grant of temporary injunction

CPC - Litigating Hand

Morgan Stanley Mutual Fund vs Kartick Das [1994 SCC (4) 225] Factors of consideration in grant of ex parte injunction 36. As a principle, ex parte injunction could be granted only under exceptional circumstances. The factors which should weigh with the court in the grant of ex parte injunction are- (a) whether irreparable or serious

Factors of consideration in grant of ex parte injunction Read More Ā»

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