News of the Day

Conditions of State in an agreement has to be fair and reasonable Jharkhand State Electricity Board and Others vs. M/S Ramkrishna Forging Limited [Civil Appeal No.6145 Of 2010] Brief: In the instant appeal of the Jharkhand State Electricity Board, the Hon’ble Supreme Court upheld the decision of the Hon’ble Jharkhand High Court allowing writ petition against order of the

Conditions of State in an agreement has to be fair and reasonable Read More »

Injured witness - Litigating Hand

Injured witness must be given due weightage being a stamped witness Kalabhai Hamirbhai Kachhot vs. State of Gujarat [Criminal Appeal No. 216 of 2015] RELEVANT PARAGRAPH …..27. The evidence of an injured witness must be given due weightage being a stamped witness, thus, his presence cannot be doubted. His statement is generally considered to be very reliable and it

Injured witness must be given due weightage being a stamped witness Read More »

Grant of Bail

Supreme Court reiterates principles governing grant of bail Sudha Singh vs. The State of Uttar Pradesh & Anr. [Criminal Appeal No. 448 of 2021] Brief: In this appeal the Supreme Court set aside order of the Allahabad High Court granting bail to an accused arrested for offences punishable under Section 3 (1) of the U.P.

Supreme Court reiterates principles governing grant of bail Read More »

Execution of Decree

Supreme Court issues directions for speedy execution of decrees Rahul S Shah vs. Jinendra Kumar Gandhi [Civil Appeal Nos. 1659-1660 of 2021] Brief: In the instant appeals, the Supreme Court deprecated the delays happening in execution of decrees. The Court re-iterated that the stage of execution is not a stage of re-trial. For speedy execution

Supreme Court issues directions for speedy execution of decrees Read More »

Acknowledgement - Balance Sheet

Balance sheets can amount to acknowledgement of debts and lead to extension of limitation period under section 18 of the Limitation Act Asset Reconstruction Company (India) Limited vs. Bishal Jaiswal & Anr. [Civil Appeal No.323 of 2021] Brief: In the instant case, the NCLT has initially admitted the application against the corporate debtor and held

Balance sheets can amount to acknowledgement of debts and lead to extension of limitation period under section 18 of the Limitation Act Read More »

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