Dr. Jitendra Gupta vs. Dr. C. Chandramouli, IAS (Secretary, DoP & T, Government of India) [Civil Appeal No(s).3298 of 2020] [25.09.2020] β Administrative Law β Service Law Brief: In this case, the appellant had sought his transfer from Bihar Cadre to Haryana Cadre. The State of Haryana had given its consent for transfer. However, subsequently […]
News of the Day
Beli Ram vs. Rajinder Kumar & Anr. [Civil Appeal Nos. 7220-7221 of 2011] [23.09.2020] β Motor Vehicles Act β Workmen Compensation Act Brief: In this case, the Supreme Court has held that if a driver does not hold a valid licence or such license has expired, the Insurance Company would not be liable under the
Union of India & Ors. vs. M/S G S Chatha Rice Mills & Anr. [Civil Appeal No 3249 of 2020]: Supreme Court of India [23.09.2020] Custom Act β Notification β Prospective or Retrospective Brief: This appeal concerned with a question whether the respondents were liable to pay enhanced custom duty as per notification of the
National Alliance for Peopleβs Movements & Ors. vs. The State of Maharashtra & Ors. [Special Leave Petition (Crl) No. 4116 of 2020] [22.09.2020] β Bail β Pandemic β Classification of prisoners Brief: In this writ petition, first the Bombay High Court upheld the directions made by the High Powered Committee from temporary release of prisoners from jail to decongest prisoners for
State of Kerala & Anr. etc. vs. M/S RDS Project Limited & Ors. etc. [Civil Appeal Nos. 3239-3246 of 2020] [22.09.2020] β Judicial review Brief: In this civil appeal, the underlying dispute related to construction of bridge and for defects therein. The question before the Central Government was whether the bridge should be re-constructed or
Rakesh Kumar Agarwalla & Anr. vs. National Law School of India University, Bengaluru & Ors. [Writ Petition (Civil) No. 1030 of 2020] [21.09.2020] β NLAT unconstitutional Brief: In the present writ petition, The Supreme Court after locus standi of the Petitioner held that executive council of NLSIU has no exclusive power to decide the process
B. Santoshamma & Anr. vs. D. Sarala & Anr [Civil Appeal No.3574 of 2009] [18.09.2020] β Part-performance β Specific Performance Brief: In the said the Supreme Court upheld part performance of a sale deed between the parties. In this case, the vendor, after execution of the sale agreement with the Vendee, executed a registered deed
Pappu Deo Yadav vs. Naresh Kumar and Ors. [Civil Appeal No. 2567 of 2020] [17.09.2020] β Compensation β Future loss of income β Future prospect Brief: In this case the Supreme Court has held that a claimant in cases of permanent disablement can apart from compensation for future loss of income, amounts for future prospects
M/S. MSD Real Estate LLP vs. The Collector of Stamps & Anr. [Civil Appeal No. 3194 of 2020] [17.09.2020] β Stamp Duty β Cancellation of development permission Brief: In this case, the Supreme Court upheld the order of cancellation of building permission after finding that the appellant had in its application suppressed the fact that
Trustees of H.C. Dhanda Trust vs. State of Madhya Pradesh & Ors. [Civil Appeal Nos. 3195-3196 of 2020] [17.09.2020] β Deficient stamp duty β Extent of penalty Brief: In this case, the Collector had imposed a penalty of 10 times of the stamp duty remaining due for representation of a gift deed as Deed of
Penalty for non-payment of appropriate stamp duty cannot be arbitrary and unreasonable Read More Β»