Policy matters superannuation

New Okhla Industrial Development Authority & Anr. vs. B D Singhal & Ors., [Civil Appeal No. 2310 of 2021]

Deciding effective date for superannuation falls in realm of policy and High Court trench thereupon 

Brief: In the instant civil appeal, the Supreme Court held that the High Court has trenched upon the realm of policy making and has assumed to itself, jurisdiction over a matter which lies in the domain of the executive. Whether the age of superannuation should be increased and if so, the date from which this should be effected is a matter of policy into which the High Court ought not to have entered.


1. On 30 September 2012, the Government of Uttar Pradesh acceded to a proposal of the Appellant to enhance the age of superannuation of its employees from fifty-eight to sixty years, prospectively. A Division Bench of the High Court of Judicature at Allahabad set aside the decision of the State government to give prospective effect to the enhancement in the age of superannuation and in the exercise of its power of judicial review under Article 226 of the Constitution directed that retrospective effect be given to the Government Order from 29 September 2002. The appeals by New Okhla Industrial Development Authority and the State of Uttar Pradesh question the correctness of this determination. Simply put, the appeals raise the issue as to whether the High Court has transcended the limits of its power of judicial review.

19. Whether the age of superannuation should be enhanced is a matter of policy. If a decision has been taken to enhance the age of superannuation, the date with effect from which the enhancement should be made falls within the realm of policy. The High Court in ordering that the decision of the State government to accept the proposal to enhance the age of superannuation must date back to 29 June 2002 has evidently lost sight of the above factual background, more specifically (i) the rejection of the original proposal on 22 September 2009; and (ii) the judgment of the Division Bench dated 17 January 2012 refusing to set aside the order rejecting the proposal on 22 September 2009 which has attained finality. But there is a more fundamental objection to the basis of the decision of the High Court. The infirmity in the judgment lies in the fact that the High Court has trenched upon the realm of policy making and has assumed to itself, jurisdiction over a matter which lies in the domain of the executive. Whether the age of superannuation should be increased and if so, the date from which this should be effected is a matter of policy into which the High Court ought not to have entered.


21. Whether the decision to increase the age of superannuation should date back to the resolution passed by NOIDA or should be made effective from the date of the approval by the State government was a matter for the State government to decide. Ultimately, in drawing every cut-off, some employees would stand on one side of the line while the others would be positioned otherwise. This element of hardship cannot be a ground for the High Court to hold that the decision was arbitrary. When the State government originally decided to increase the age of superannuation of its own employees from fiftyeight to sixty years on 28 November 2001, it had left the public sector corporations to take a decision based on the financial impact which would result if they were to increase the age of superannuation for their own employees.  

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