Plaintiff entitled to compensation if land was acquired by government after the agreement to sell between the parties

Sukhbir vs. Ajit Singh [Civil Appeal No. 1653 of 2021]

Brief: In this case, the decree of specific performance of was passed in favour of the Plaintiff. However, during the pendency of suit this fact was not brought to the knowledge of court. The High Court in second appeal held that Plaintiff had stepped in the shoes of the Defendant and thus, is entitled to compensation under the Land Acquisition Act in terms of section 21 of the Specific Relief Act. The Supreme Court upheld this and modified to the extent of allowing deduction of Rs. 300000 as litigation expenses incurred in acquisition proceedings by the Appellant/defendant.


7. We have heard the learned counsel for the respective parties at length. At the outset, it is required to be noted that as such there are concurrent findings of fact recorded by all the courts below on the execution of the agreement to sell by the defendant in favour of the plaintiff; payment of Rs. 31,50,000/- towards part sale consideration by the plaintiff to the defendant (out of the total sale consideration of Rs. 32 lakhs) and the readiness and willingness of the plaintiff to pay the balance sale consideration of Rs. 50,000/-. Therefore, as such, the plaintiff shall be entitled to the decree for specific performance. However, in view of the fact that before the final decree could be passed by the learned trial court, the land in question came to be acquired under the provisions of the Land Acquisition Act and therefore the question arose before the High Court what relief the plaintiff shall be entitled to in the event the decree of specific performance is required to be modified by an alternative decree.

7.1 Relying upon the decisions of this Court in the cases of Jagdish Singh (supra) and Urmila Devi (supra) and considering Section 21 of the Specific Relief Act, the High Court, by the impugned judgment and order has modified the judgment and decree for specific performance and held that the plaintiff shall be entitled to the amount of compensation as there was no fault on the part of the plaintiff. It is held that the plaintiff shall be entitled to the amount of compensation as awarded under the Land Acquisition Act together with interest and solatium by way of compensation. Therefore, the short question which is posed for the consideration of this Court is, whether in the facts and circumstances of the case, the High Court is justified in modifying the judgment and decree passed by the learned trial court for specific performance?

8. An identical question came to be considered by this Court in the case of Jagdish Singh (supra). In the case before this Court, the learned trial court as well as the first appellate court dismissed the suit for specific performance. However, the High Court in second appeal reversed the findings of the courts below and held that the plaintiff was ready and willing to perform the contract and was entitled for decree. However, during the pendency of the second appeal before the High Court, proceedings for compulsory acquisition of the land were initiated and the land was acquired. Therefore, the question arose as to whether the plaintiff was entitled for the amount of compensation received in the land acquisition proceedings or was entitled only to the refund of the earnest money. The High Court modified the decree of the specific performance of the contract with decree for a realisation of compensation payable in lieu of acquisition. The matter was carried before this Court. After referring to Section 21 of the Specific Relief Act, this Court has held that where the contract for no fault of the plaintiff becomes impossible, Section 21 enables award of compensation in lieu and substitution of the specific performance. So far as the determination of the amount of compensation, this Court observed and held that the compensation awarded under the Land Acquisition Act may safely be taken to be the measure of damages subject, of course, to the deduction therefrom of money value of the services, time and energy expended by the original land owner in pursuing the claims of compensation and the expenditure incurred by him in the litigation culminating in the award. In paras 24, 29 and 30, it is observed and held as under:

“24. When the plaintiff by his option has made specific performance impossible, Section 21 does not entitle him to seek damages. That position is common to both Section 2 of Lord Cairn’s Act, 1858 and Section 21 of the Specific Relief Act, 1963. But in Indian law where the contract, for no fault of the plaintiff, becomes impossible of performance Section 21 enables award of compensation in lieu and substitution of specific performance. xxx xxx xxx

29. In the present case there is no difficulty in assessing the quantum of the compensation. That is ascertainable with reference to the determination of the market value in the land acquisition proceedings. The compensation awarded may safely be taken to be the measure of damages subject, of course, to the deduction therefrom of money value of the services, time and energy expended by the appellant in pursuing the claims of compensation and the expenditure incurred by him in the litigation culminating in the award.

30. We accordingly confirm the finding of the High Court that respondent was willing and ready to perform the contract and that 10 it was the appellant who was in breach. However, in substitution of the decree for specific performance, we make a decree for compensation, equivalent to the amount of the land acquisition compensation awarded for the suit lands together with solatium and accrued interest, less a sum of Rs 1,50,000 (one lakh fifty thousand only) which, by a rough and ready estimate, we quantify as the amount to be paid to the appellant in respect of his services, time and money expended in pursuing the legal claims for compensation.” The aforesaid view has been followed by this Court in the case of Urmila Devi (supra). Applying the law laid down by this Court in the aforesaid two decisions to the facts of the case in hand, it cannot be said that the High Court has committed any error in modifying the decree for specific performance. As rightly held by the High Court, as such, the plaintiff will be deemed to be in the shoes of the defendant and therefore shall be entitled to the amount of compensation, determined and awarded under the provisions of the Land Acquisition Act.

10. Now so far as the submission on behalf of the appellant that as compensation has not been specifically prayed by the plaintiff in the suit, the plaintiff shall not be entitled to any amount of compensation even considering Section 21 of the Specific Relief Act. The aforesaid has no substance. The decree for compensation is passed as an alternate decree and in lieu of the decree for specific performance.

11. Now so far as the amount of compensation is concerned, as observed by this Court in the case of Jagdish Singh (supra), the compensation determined and awarded under the Land Acquisition Act may safely be taken into consideration. Therefore, the High Court has rightly observed and held that the plaintiff shall be entitled to the entire amount of compensation awarded under the Land Acquisition Act together with interest and solatium. However, at the same time, the defendant – original land owner shall also be entitled to the deduction therefrom of money value of the services, time and energy expended in pursuing the claims of compensation and the expenditure incurred by him in the litigation culminating in the award. As such, nothing is on record to suggest that any expenses have been incurred by the appellant. However, in the facts and circumstances of the case and considering the decisions of this Court in the cases of Jagdish Singh (supra) and Urmila Devi (supra), ends of justice will be served if the plaintiff is awarded the entire amount of compensation determined under the Land Acquisition Act together with interest and solatium less Rs. 2,50,000/- + Rs.50,000/- (towards the balance sale consideration).


12. In view of the above and for the reasons stated above, the present appeal is disposed of by modifying the impugned judgment and order passed by the High Court to the extent directing and holding that the plaintiff – respondent herein shall be entitled to recover the entire amount of compensation along with solatium and interest awarded under the provisions of the Land Acquisition Act, which is reported to be lying/deposited with the acquiring body with respect to the land in question minus Rs. 3,00,000/- (Rs. 2,50,000/- towards the expenses which might have been incurred in pursuing the claims of compensation and the expenditure incurred by him in the litigation culminating in the award + Rs. 50,000/- towards balance sale consideration). Therefore, the appellant – defendant shall be entitled to Rs. 3,00,000/- from the amount of compensation deposited with the acquiring body and the balance amount of compensation together with interest and solatium to be paid to the original plaintiff.

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