Kidnapping for ransom

Shaik Ahmed vs. State of Telangana [Criminal Appeal No.533 of 2021]

Threat to hurt or death is a pre-condition to attract the offence under section 364-A (kidnapping for ransom)

Brief: In this case, the Supreme court partly allowed the appeal against conviction of the accused under section 364-A of the IPC. The Court noted the essential for conviction under of a person under this provision and acquitted the accused of conviction under section 364-A as no threat to cause hurt or death was given or proved by the prosecution.


33. After noticing the statutory provision of Section 364A and the law laid down by this Court in the above noted cases, we conclude that the essential ingredients to convict an accused under Section 364A which are required to be proved by prosecution are as follows:-

(i) Kidnapping or abduction of any person or keeping a person in detention after such kidnapping or abduction; and

(ii) threatens to cause death or hurt to such person, or by his conduct gives rise to a reasonable apprehension that such person may be put to death or hurt or;

(iii) causes hurt or death to such person in order to compel the Government or any foreign State or any Governmental organization or any other person to do or abstain from doing any act or to pay a ransom.

34. Thus, after establishing first condition, one more condition has to be fulfilled since after first condition, word used is “and”. Thus, in addition to first condition either condition (ii) or (iii) has to be proved, failing which conviction under Section 364A cannot be sustained.

42. Now, coming to the second part of the condition No.2, i.e., “or by his conduct gives rise to a reasonable apprehension that such person may be put to death or hurt”. Neither there is any such conduct of the accused discussed by the Courts below, which may give a reasonable apprehension that victim may be put to death or hurt nor there is anything in the evidence on the basis of which it can be held that second part of the condition is fulfilled. We, thus, are of the view that evidence on record did not prove fulfillment of the second condition of Section 364A. Second condition is also a condition precedent, which is requisite to be satisfied to attract Section 364A of the IPC.


43. The Second condition having not been proved to be established, we find substance in the submission of the learned Counsel for the appellant that conviction of the appellant is unsustainable under Section 364A IPC. We, thus, set aside the conviction of the appellant under Section 364A. However, from the evidence on record regarding kidnapping, it is proved that accused had kidnapped the victim for ransom, demand of ransom was also proved. Even though offence under Section 364A has not been proved beyond reasonable doubt but the offence of kidnapping has been fully established to which effect the learned Sessions Judge has recorded a categorical finding in paragraphs 19 and 20. The offence of kidnapping having been proved, the appellant deserves to be convicted under Section 363. Section 363 provides for punishment which is imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to seven years and shall also be liable to fine.

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