News of the Day

Godrej Projects Development Limited vs. Anil Karlekar & Ors [2025 INSC 143] Unfair contract and Unfair trade practice in consumer disputes RELEVANT PARAGRAPH 30. ā€¦.Relying on the provisions of Section 2(1)(r) of the Consumer Protection Act, 1986, which defines the term ā€œunfair trade practiceā€, this Court held that the contractual terms which are ex facie […]

Unfair contract and Unfair trade practice in consumer disputes Read More Ā»

Himanshu Sharma vs. State of Madhya Pradesh [2024 INSC 139] Grounds for cancellation of bail RELEVANT PARAGRAPH 12. Law is well settled by a catena of judgments rendered by this Court that the considerations for grant of bail and cancellation thereof are entirely different.Ā Ā  Bail granted to an accused can only be cancelled if the

Grounds for cancellation of bail

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