News of the Day

When a senior citizen part with property by a gift or otherwise in favour of near and dear ones, a condition of looking after the senior citizen is not necessarily attached to it Sudesh Chhikara v. Ramti Devi & Anr. [Civil Appeal No. 174 of 2021] RELEVANT PARAGRAPH 12. Sub-section (1) of Section 23 covers […]

When a senior citizen part with property by a gift or otherwise in favour of near and dear ones, a condition of looking after the senior citizen is not necessarily attached to it Read More »

SC urges the Central Government to amend the law and grant the right of survivorship to the female member of the Tribal community Kamla Neti (Dead) through LRs vs. The Special Land Acquisition Officer & Ors. [Civil Appeal No. 6901 of 2022] RELEVANT PARAGRAPH 6. A short question which is posed for consideration of this Court is whether the appellant/petitioner

SC urges the Central Government to amend the law and grant the right of survivorship to the female member of the Tribal community Read More »

The State of Madhya Pradesh vs. M/S Sew Construction Limited & Ors [Civil Appeal No. 8571/2022] If the contractual clause permits escalation costs subject to certain conditions, no claim is admissible if the conditions are not satisfied RELEVANT PARAGRAPH 22. A contractual clause which provides for the finality of rates quoted by the Contractor and

If the contractual clause permits escalation costs subject to certain conditions, no claim is admissible if the conditions are not satisfied Read More »

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